64994 This authentication method is already registered with class name %s.
64995 Protocol field is empty
64996 Host field is empty
65008 Not Connected
65009 Object type not supported.
65010 No data to read.
65011 Read Timeout
65012 Max line length exceeded.
65013 Connect timed out.
65014 Already connected.
65015 Maximum number of line allowed exceeded
65016 Transparent proxy cannot bind.
65017 UDP Not supported by this proxy.
65018 Buffer terminator must be specified.
65019 Buffer start position is invalid.
65020 Reply Code is not valid: %s
65021 IOHandler value is not valid
65022 Chunk Started
65023 Not Acceptable
65024 Unknown socks error.
65025 Socks server did not respond.
65026 Invalid socks authentication method.
65027 Authentication error to socks server.
65028 General SOCKS server failure.
65029 Connection not allowed by ruleset.
65030 Network unreachable.
65031 Host unreachable.
65032 Connection refused.
65033 TTL expired.
65034 Command not supported.
65035 Address type not supported.
65036 %d: Circular links are not allowed
65037 Not enough data in buffer.
65038 Too much data in buffer.
65039 File "%s" not found
65040 Cannot change IPVersion when connected
65041 Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)
65042 Connection Closed Gracefully.
65043 Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.
65044 Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)
65045 %s is not a valid service.
65046 IPv6 unavailable
65047 %s is not a valid IPv6 address
65048 The requested IPVersion / Address family is not supported.
65049 Not all bytes sent.
65050 Package Size Too Big.
65051 Set Size Exceeded.
65052 UDP is not support in this SOCKS version.
65053 Request rejected or failed.
65054 Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.
65055 Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.
65056 No buffer space available.
65057 Socket is already connected.
65058 Socket is not connected.
65059 Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.
65060 Too many references, cannot splice.
65061 Connection timed out.
65062 Connection refused.
65063 Too many levels of symbolic links.
65064 File name too long.
65065 Host is down.
65066 No route to host.
65067 Directory not empty
65068 Host not found.
65069 Stack Class is undefined.
65070 Stack already created.
65071 Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.
65072 Destination address required.
65073 Message too long.
65074 Protocol wrong type for socket.
65075 Bad protocol option.
65076 Protocol not supported.
65077 Socket type not supported.
65078 Operation not supported on socket.
65079 Protocol family not supported.
65080 Address family not supported by protocol family.
65081 Address already in use.
65082 Cannot assign requested address.
65083 Network is down.
65084 Network is unreachable.
65085 Net dropped connection or reset.
65086 Software caused connection abort.
65087 Connection reset by peer.
65088 Connecting to %s.
65089 Connected.
65090 Disconnecting.
65091 Disconnected.
65092 %s
65093 Socket Error # %d\n%s
65094 Interrupted system call.
65095 Bad file number.
65096 Access denied.
65097 Buffer fault.
65098 Invalid argument.
65099 Too many open files.
65100 Operation would block.
65101 Operation now in progress.
65102 Operation already in progress.
65103 Socket operation on non-socket.
65104 There is no such palette entry.
65105 This "Portable Network Graphics" image contains an unknown critical part which could not be decoded.
65106 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is encoded with an unknown compression scheme which could not be decoded.
65107 This "Portable Network Graphics" image uses an unknown interlace scheme which could not be decoded.
65108 The chunks must be compatible to be assigned.
65109 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is invalid because the decoder found an unexpected end of the file.
65110 This "Portable Network Graphics" image contains no data.
65111 The "Portable Network Graphics" image can not be resize by changing width and height properties. Try assigning the image from a bitmap.
65112 The png image could not be loaded from the resource ID.
65113 Some operation could not be performed because the system is out of resources. Close some windows and try again.
65114 This operation is not valid because the current image contains no valid header.
65115 Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.
65116 Error on call Winsock2 library function %s
65117 Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)
65118 Winsock Initialization Error.
65119 Resolving hostname %s.
65120 64-Byte Prefetching
65121 128-Byte Prefetching
65122 decomposed Unicode character > $FFFF found
65123 combining class for Unicode character > $FFFF found
65124 OLE error %.8x
65125 Method '%s' not supported by automation object
65126 Variant does not reference an automation object
65127 Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters
65128 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not valid because it contains invalid pieces of data (crc error)
65129 The "Portable Network Graphics" image could not be loaded because one of its main piece of data (ihdr) might be corrupted
65130 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is invalid because it has missing image parts.
65131 Could not decompress the image because it contains invalid compressed data.\n Description:
65132 The "Portable Network Graphics" image contains an invalid palette.
65133 The file being readed is not a valid "Portable Network Graphics" image because it contains an invalid header. This file may be corruped, try obtaining it again.
65134 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not supported or it might be invalid.\n(IHDR chunk is not the first)
65135 This "Portable Network Graphics" image is not supported because either it's width or height exceeds the maximum size, which is 65535 pixels length.
65136 Trace cache, 32 K╡Ops, 8-way set associative
65137 2░ Level cache, 1 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 Bytes line size